Call to Order
1. Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC COMMENT To slow the spread of COVID-19, the public may make public comment at the beginning of the meeting by teleconference. Local callers should call 979-921-6212. Non-local callers should call 800-576-1131. The user code for both numbers is 14329937. Callers will be asked if they would like to make public comment. After public comment, the teleconference line will be closed. The public may continue to watch the meeting streamed online at
CONSENT AGENDA Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Payroll. 4. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $1,050.00 for invoice dated May 2, 2022 to Schmidt Funeral Home from line item 125-423-540705 [Transport to Morgue].
PROCLAMATION 6. Discuss and take action to approve Proclamation recognizing May 18lh as Stop the Bleed Day in Waller County, Texas.
PRESENTATION 7. Presentation by Lynn Humphries with ABHR Law Firm regarding potential parks initiatives in Waller County
COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT 4 8. Discussion of Road and Bridge equipment needs.
ELECTIONS 9. Discuss and take action to approve Local Canvass of May 7, 2022 Special Constitutional Amendment Election.
CONSTABLE, PRECINCT 3 10. Discuss and take action to authorize the Precinct 3 Constable's Office to request the Houston 100 Club to donate lifesaving body armor to all the deputies assigned to Precinct 3. This request will have zero budgetary impact and no expectation to reimburse the Houston 100 Club.
COUNTY TREASURER 11. Discuss and take action to approve policy and invoice through Texas Association of Counties for Property Insurance coverage effective 07/01/22. Total premium of $ 186,904.00 to be paid from line item 125-411 -560300 [Ins Equip/build/Pub Liab.
AUDITOR 12. Spread upon the minutes the certification of the Juvenile Probation Department, TJJD Grant R award of an additional $8,821.00 and amend the budget, WC 2022-12. 13. Spread upon the minutes the Juvenile Probation Department budget line item transfer, WC 2022-13. 14. Discuss and take action to certify the $53,703.00 Formula Grant award from the Texas Indigent Defense Commission and approve to amend the budget, WC 2022-14. 15. Discuss and take action to approve the Environmental Department budget line item transfer, WC 2022-15. 16. Discuss and take action to certify value of $300.00 in donated smoke alarms and approve to amend the Fire Marshal Department budget, WC 2022-16.
MISCELLANEOUS 17. Discuss and take action on THC grant for the historical museum. 18. Discuss and take action on Order and Letter of Approval for Specialty Medical Transport, Inc. to provide emergency medical services in Waller County. 19. Discuss and take action to authorize Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP to represent the County and its officials and employees in cause number 2017-02-8346. 20. Discussion with representatives from TAC for a mid-year review of state of health and policy renewal. 21. Discuss and take action to deliberate business and financial issues in executive session based on determination and recommendation from the District Attorney's Office that deliberation in an open meeting regarding business and financial issues related to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real properties in Precinct 2 and Precinct 4 would have a detrimental effect on the position of the County in negotiations with third persons.
EXECUTIVE SESSION 22. Deliberate business and financial issues related to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real properties in Precinct 2 and Precinct 4 pursuant to Government Code Sections 551.072 and 551.0725. 23. Consultation with District Attorney and outside counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 551.071. 24. Reconvene in Open Session to take any, action necessary on matters discussed in Executive Session. ADJOURN MEETING
Call to Order
1. Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC COMMENT To slow the spread of COVID-19, the public may make public comment at the beginning of the meeting by teleconference. Local callers should call 979-921-6212. Non-local callers should call 800-576-1131. The user code for both numbers is 14329937. Callers will be asked if they would like to make public comment. After public comment, the teleconference line will be closed. The public may continue to watch the meeting streamed online at
CONSENT AGENDA Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Payroll. 4. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $1,050.00 for invoice dated May 2, 2022 to Schmidt Funeral Home from line item 125-423-540705 [Transport to Morgue].
PROCLAMATION 6. Discuss and take action to approve Proclamation recognizing May 18lh as Stop the Bleed Day in Waller County, Texas.
PRESENTATION 7. Presentation by Lynn Humphries with ABHR Law Firm regarding potential parks initiatives in Waller County
COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT 4 8. Discussion of Road and Bridge equipment needs.
ELECTIONS 9. Discuss and take action to approve Local Canvass of May 7, 2022 Special Constitutional Amendment Election.
CONSTABLE, PRECINCT 3 10. Discuss and take action to authorize the Precinct 3 Constable's Office to request the Houston 100 Club to donate lifesaving body armor to all the deputies assigned to Precinct 3. This request will have zero budgetary impact and no expectation to reimburse the Houston 100 Club.
COUNTY TREASURER 11. Discuss and take action to approve policy and invoice through Texas Association of Counties for Property Insurance coverage effective 07/01/22. Total premium of $ 186,904.00 to be paid from line item 125-411 -560300 [Ins Equip/build/Pub Liab.
AUDITOR 12. Spread upon the minutes the certification of the Juvenile Probation Department, TJJD Grant R award of an additional $8,821.00 and amend the budget, WC 2022-12. 13. Spread upon the minutes the Juvenile Probation Department budget line item transfer, WC 2022-13. 14. Discuss and take action to certify the $53,703.00 Formula Grant award from the Texas Indigent Defense Commission and approve to amend the budget, WC 2022-14. 15. Discuss and take action to approve the Environmental Department budget line item transfer, WC 2022-15. 16. Discuss and take action to certify value of $300.00 in donated smoke alarms and approve to amend the Fire Marshal Department budget, WC 2022-16.
MISCELLANEOUS 17. Discuss and take action on THC grant for the historical museum. 18. Discuss and take action on Order and Letter of Approval for Specialty Medical Transport, Inc. to provide emergency medical services in Waller County. 19. Discuss and take action to authorize Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP to represent the County and its officials and employees in cause number 2017-02-8346. 20. Discussion with representatives from TAC for a mid-year review of state of health and policy renewal. 21. Discuss and take action to deliberate business and financial issues in executive session based on determination and recommendation from the District Attorney's Office that deliberation in an open meeting regarding business and financial issues related to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real properties in Precinct 2 and Precinct 4 would have a detrimental effect on the position of the County in negotiations with third persons.
EXECUTIVE SESSION 22. Deliberate business and financial issues related to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real properties in Precinct 2 and Precinct 4 pursuant to Government Code Sections 551.072 and 551.0725. 23. Consultation with District Attorney and outside counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 551.071. 24. Reconvene in Open Session to take any, action necessary on matters discussed in Executive Session. ADJOURN MEETING