Call to Order
Approval of Agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $32,500.00 for invoice # 1988 to Waller County Economic Development as allocated in the 2020 Budget from line item 125-411-547200 [Economic Development]. (b) $85.00 for invoice # 20547410 [Courthouse, Hold-Up Alarm], and $995.00 for invoice # 20112410 [Courthouse Camera Surveillance], for a total $1,080.00 payable to TAC Security from line item 117-428-568425 [Courthouse Security/Misc. Security]. 4. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable. 5. Request for approval of Treasurer's Monthly Report.
6. Discuss and take action to approve the Proclamation declaring October 2020 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Waller County.
7. Discuss and take action to assign Tax Abatement Agreement with Clay Partners to Exeter.
8. Award Bid for "Kelley Rd. Bridge Replacement Over Clear Creek." 9. Award Bid for "McAllister Rd. Bridge Replacement Over Brookshire Creek." 10. Award Bid for "Robin Hood Ln. Bridge Replacement Over Brushy Creek."
11. Discuss and take action approve Agreement with Consolidated Communications to add IP addresses for the Precinct 4 Building.
12. Discuss and take action to approve additional Water Well costs for Precinct 4 Building. 13. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $70,289.26 for Application # 13 to Collier Construction, LLC from line item 125-600-581610 [Precinct 4 Building]. 14. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $677,063.47 for Application # 25 to Sedalco, Inc. from line item 601-601-581000 [Bldg. Purch. Const, or Improv.].
15. Discuss and take action to approve Designation of Representatives for Houston-Galveston Area Council 2021 General Assembly and Board of Directors. 16. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement between Waller County and Fort Bend Family Health Center, Inc. d/b/a Access Health and payment of $25,000.00 from line item 125-411-542250 [Fort Bend Family Health Center] as allocated in the 2020 budget. 17. Discuss and take action to approve 63 month Lease Agreement with Quadient for the postage machine located in the County Clerk's Office. Monthly payment of $214.99 to be paid from line item 125-411-531400 [Postage]. 18. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement with TISA Software for the Waller County Veterans Memorial Website. 19. Discuss and take action to approve final costs for the Waller County Veteran's Memorial. 20. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $24,999.50 for Invoice # 113103 to Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP from line item 125-411- 540300 [Legal]. 21. Discuss and take action to amend County policies in relation to COVID-19. ADJOURN MEETING
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda.
CONSENT AGENDA Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $32,500.00 for invoice # 1988 to Waller County Economic Development as allocated in the 2020 Budget from line item 125-411-547200 [Economic Development]. (b) $85.00 for invoice # 20547410 [Courthouse, Hold-Up Alarm], and $995.00 for invoice # 20112410 [Courthouse Camera Surveillance], for a total $1,080.00 payable to TAC Security from line item 117-428-568425 [Courthouse Security/Misc. Security]. 4. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable. 5. Request for approval of Treasurer's Monthly Report.
6. Discuss and take action to approve the Proclamation declaring October 2020 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Waller County.
7. Discuss and take action to assign Tax Abatement Agreement with Clay Partners to Exeter.
8. Award Bid for "Kelley Rd. Bridge Replacement Over Clear Creek." 9. Award Bid for "McAllister Rd. Bridge Replacement Over Brookshire Creek." 10. Award Bid for "Robin Hood Ln. Bridge Replacement Over Brushy Creek."
11. Discuss and take action approve Agreement with Consolidated Communications to add IP addresses for the Precinct 4 Building.
12. Discuss and take action to approve additional Water Well costs for Precinct 4 Building. 13. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $70,289.26 for Application # 13 to Collier Construction, LLC from line item 125-600-581610 [Precinct 4 Building]. 14. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $677,063.47 for Application # 25 to Sedalco, Inc. from line item 601-601-581000 [Bldg. Purch. Const, or Improv.].
15. Discuss and take action to approve Designation of Representatives for Houston-Galveston Area Council 2021 General Assembly and Board of Directors. 16. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement between Waller County and Fort Bend Family Health Center, Inc. d/b/a Access Health and payment of $25,000.00 from line item 125-411-542250 [Fort Bend Family Health Center] as allocated in the 2020 budget. 17. Discuss and take action to approve 63 month Lease Agreement with Quadient for the postage machine located in the County Clerk's Office. Monthly payment of $214.99 to be paid from line item 125-411-531400 [Postage]. 18. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement with TISA Software for the Waller County Veterans Memorial Website. 19. Discuss and take action to approve final costs for the Waller County Veteran's Memorial. 20. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $24,999.50 for Invoice # 113103 to Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP from line item 125-411- 540300 [Legal]. 21. Discuss and take action to amend County policies in relation to COVID-19. ADJOURN MEETING