Call to Order
1. Approval of Agenda.
Public Comment
CONSENT AGENDA Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $2,887.00 for invoice # AH021080 and $3,967.00 for invoice # AH021081 for a total of $6,854.00 to Harris County Treasurer from line item 125-423-540702 [Autopsy] (b) $2,766.00 for invoice # 116091 to Alpha Testing from line item 125-600-581610 [Precinct 4 Building]. (c) $150.00 for invoice # 25861 to Metro Container LLC from line item 600-600-587521 (Library). 4. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable. 5. Request by County Engineer to approve a Utility Permit for San Bernard Electric Cooperative, Inc. to place a pole within the right-of-way of Emily Way.
6. The introduction of Mr. Sherman Henderson as the Interim Road Superintendent.
7. Discuss and take action to approve the following line item transfer: $15,000.00 from 125-416-510101 [Part Time] and $10,000.00 from 125-416-540925 [Prof Consult/Witness Fee] to 125-416-510005 [Staff Salary] And, to authorize the County Treasurer to amend the 2020 Salary Order to increase the salary of Prosecutor III an additional $25,000.00 effective January 12, 2020.
8. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement with Colorado Valley Transit, Inc. and approve payment of $5,000.00 as allocated in the 2020 Budget. Funds to be paid from line item 125-411-547320 [Colorado Valley Transit]. 9. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $44,356.44 for invoice # 111144 to Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP from line item 125-411- 540300 [Legal]. 10. Discuss and take action to approve Court Order setting the pay for Jurors in 2020 and providing food and lodging for Jurors in certain cases and instances. 11. Discuss and take action to approve Court Order setting allowances for travel outside the County in 2020. 12. Discuss and take action to deliberate business and financial issues in executive session based on determination and recommendation from the District Attorney's Office that deliberation in an open meeting regarding business and financial issues related to the value of real property in Precinct 2 would have a detrimental effect on the position of the County in negotiations with third persons.
13. Discuss and take action to approve updates to the Waller County Personnel Policy.
14. Discuss and take action to approve the line item transfers from the Road and Bridge Department to Environmental.
15. Deliberate business and financial issues related to the value of real property in Precinct 2 pursuant to Government Code Sections 551.072 and 551.0725. 16. Deliberate personnel matters related to the County Engineer and certain employees in the Road and Bridge and Environmental Departments pursuant to Government Code Section 551.074 17. Consultation with District Attorney and outside counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 551.071. 18. Reconvene in Open Session to take any action necessary on matters discussed in Executive Session. ADJOURN MEETING
Call to Order
1. Approval of Agenda.
Public Comment
CONSENT AGENDA Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $2,887.00 for invoice # AH021080 and $3,967.00 for invoice # AH021081 for a total of $6,854.00 to Harris County Treasurer from line item 125-423-540702 [Autopsy] (b) $2,766.00 for invoice # 116091 to Alpha Testing from line item 125-600-581610 [Precinct 4 Building]. (c) $150.00 for invoice # 25861 to Metro Container LLC from line item 600-600-587521 (Library). 4. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable. 5. Request by County Engineer to approve a Utility Permit for San Bernard Electric Cooperative, Inc. to place a pole within the right-of-way of Emily Way.
6. The introduction of Mr. Sherman Henderson as the Interim Road Superintendent.
7. Discuss and take action to approve the following line item transfer: $15,000.00 from 125-416-510101 [Part Time] and $10,000.00 from 125-416-540925 [Prof Consult/Witness Fee] to 125-416-510005 [Staff Salary] And, to authorize the County Treasurer to amend the 2020 Salary Order to increase the salary of Prosecutor III an additional $25,000.00 effective January 12, 2020.
8. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement with Colorado Valley Transit, Inc. and approve payment of $5,000.00 as allocated in the 2020 Budget. Funds to be paid from line item 125-411-547320 [Colorado Valley Transit]. 9. Discuss and take action to approve payment of $44,356.44 for invoice # 111144 to Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP from line item 125-411- 540300 [Legal]. 10. Discuss and take action to approve Court Order setting the pay for Jurors in 2020 and providing food and lodging for Jurors in certain cases and instances. 11. Discuss and take action to approve Court Order setting allowances for travel outside the County in 2020. 12. Discuss and take action to deliberate business and financial issues in executive session based on determination and recommendation from the District Attorney's Office that deliberation in an open meeting regarding business and financial issues related to the value of real property in Precinct 2 would have a detrimental effect on the position of the County in negotiations with third persons.
13. Discuss and take action to approve updates to the Waller County Personnel Policy.
14. Discuss and take action to approve the line item transfers from the Road and Bridge Department to Environmental.
15. Deliberate business and financial issues related to the value of real property in Precinct 2 pursuant to Government Code Sections 551.072 and 551.0725. 16. Deliberate personnel matters related to the County Engineer and certain employees in the Road and Bridge and Environmental Departments pursuant to Government Code Section 551.074 17. Consultation with District Attorney and outside counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 551.071. 18. Reconvene in Open Session to take any action necessary on matters discussed in Executive Session. ADJOURN MEETING