Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Payroll. 4. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $2,887.00 for Invoice # AH020161 and $2,887.00 for Invoice # AH020162 for a total of $5,774.00 to Harris County Treasurer from line item 125-423-540702 [Autopsy]. (b)$ 1,350.00 for Invoice # SOPO11270 to CIRA from line item 125-411-545001 [Maintenance Contracts]. 5. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable. 6. Request by County Engineer for the approval of an Access Easement from Diana Wolfe for tree removal on Bonnie Lake Drive South. 7. Request by County Engineer for the approval of an Access Easement from Diana Tatum for tree removal on Bonnie Lake Drive South. 8. Request by County Engineer to approve the application for replat of Sky Lakes Club Addition Subdivision, to revise Lot 11, Block 6, Section 1, by Rex R. and Barbara Griffin, and authorize the Road and Bridge Department to issue a public notice in the Brenham Banner Press, for three consecutive weeks, establishing a public hearing during the regular session of Commissioner's Court on October 23, 2019. 9. Request by County Engineer for the approval of the plat and accept maintenance bond for Kingsland Heights Subdivision, Section 2.
10. Presentation by the Waller County 4-H Ambassadors of the Texas A & M AgriLife Extension 4-H and Youth Development Program. 11. Discuss and take action to approve the proclamation presented by the Waller County 4-H Ambassadors declaring October 6-12, 2019 as "4-H Week in Waller County".
Waller County Child Welfare Board
12. Presentation by Katina Harris on the status of the Child Welfare Board. 13. Discuss and take action to approve the appointment of Waller County Child Welfare Board members.
14. Public Hearing: On notice of application of the revision of Kickapoo Hills, Section 3, Block 1, Section 1 by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Collmorgen. 15. Discuss and take action to approve the final infrastructure Development Plan of Padron Mobile Home Park.
16. Discussion of possible Agreement for use of parking spaces at the Precinct 1 facility by adjoining offices.
17. Discuss and take action to approve 2019-2020 Plan and premiums for medical, dental, and life insurance through the Texas Association of Counties. 18. Discuss and take action to approve 2020 Renewal Notice and Benefit Confirmation for Retiree UnitedHealthcare Medicare Supplement effective 01/01/20-12/31/20. 19. Discuss and take action to approve copier lease with Xerox at the monthly rate of $184.33 for 48 months. Funds to be paid from line item 125-436-581813 [Copier/Printer].
20. Discuss and take action to approve donation of $100.00 from Marilyn G. Yankee to be deposited in line item 125-537-536600 [Donations/Library]. 21. Discuss and take action to approve the following line item transfers from within the Library's Budget: • $100.00 from 125-537-536600 [Donations/Library] to 125-537-535500 [Book & Mem/Hempstead]. • $850.00 from 125-537-581800 [Furniture & Equipment] to 125-537-568426 [Office Security].
22. Discuss and take action to approve the 2019 Tax Roll.
24. Discuss and take action to approve the following line item transfers from within the Sheriff's Budget: $10,000.00 from 125-505-544920 [Jail - Building Maintenance/Jail], $15,000.00 from 125-505-563800 [Jail -Groceries], and $5,000.00 from 125-505-564300 [Jail - Disinfectant and Soap] for a total of $30,000.00 to the following line items: $4,000.00 to 125-516-545515 [Admin - Equipment Rental/Repairs] $7,500.00 to 125-516-563000 [Admin - Training & Conference Expense] $2,000.00 to 125-516-563350 [Admin - CID] $3,000.00 to 125-516-563900 [Admin - Uniforms] $2,500.00 to 125-516-581800 [Admin - Furniture & Equipment] $1,000.00 to 125-505-530200 [Jail - Supplies & Stationary] $2,000.00 to 125-505-563000 [Jail - Training & Conference Expense] $1,500.00 to 125-505-563900 [Jail - Uniforms] $2,500.00 to 125-505-581800 [Jail - Furniture & Equipment] $4,000.00 to 125-515-545910 [Animal Control - Animal Housing/Care]. 25. Discuss and take action to authorize the Sheriff's Office to submit a grant proposal to the Bureau of Justice Assistance to seek funding from the federal Gulf Coast Regional Law Enforcement Technology Initiative to fund communications systems to enhance information and intelligence sharing with fusion centers and technology to reduce violent crime.
26. Discuss and take action on Burn Ban.
27. Discuss and take action on Senate Bill 944 regarding public information archiving. 28. Discuss and take action to approve creation of accounts with Verizon Wireless and AT & T for wireless telephones. 29. Discuss and take action to approve using SMARSH for archiving services.
30. Discuss and take action to approve official documents and all monthly reports. ADJOURN MEETING
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Payroll. 4. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $2,887.00 for Invoice # AH020161 and $2,887.00 for Invoice # AH020162 for a total of $5,774.00 to Harris County Treasurer from line item 125-423-540702 [Autopsy]. (b)$ 1,350.00 for Invoice # SOPO11270 to CIRA from line item 125-411-545001 [Maintenance Contracts]. 5. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable. 6. Request by County Engineer for the approval of an Access Easement from Diana Wolfe for tree removal on Bonnie Lake Drive South. 7. Request by County Engineer for the approval of an Access Easement from Diana Tatum for tree removal on Bonnie Lake Drive South. 8. Request by County Engineer to approve the application for replat of Sky Lakes Club Addition Subdivision, to revise Lot 11, Block 6, Section 1, by Rex R. and Barbara Griffin, and authorize the Road and Bridge Department to issue a public notice in the Brenham Banner Press, for three consecutive weeks, establishing a public hearing during the regular session of Commissioner's Court on October 23, 2019. 9. Request by County Engineer for the approval of the plat and accept maintenance bond for Kingsland Heights Subdivision, Section 2.
10. Presentation by the Waller County 4-H Ambassadors of the Texas A & M AgriLife Extension 4-H and Youth Development Program. 11. Discuss and take action to approve the proclamation presented by the Waller County 4-H Ambassadors declaring October 6-12, 2019 as "4-H Week in Waller County".
Waller County Child Welfare Board
12. Presentation by Katina Harris on the status of the Child Welfare Board. 13. Discuss and take action to approve the appointment of Waller County Child Welfare Board members.
14. Public Hearing: On notice of application of the revision of Kickapoo Hills, Section 3, Block 1, Section 1 by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Collmorgen. 15. Discuss and take action to approve the final infrastructure Development Plan of Padron Mobile Home Park.
16. Discussion of possible Agreement for use of parking spaces at the Precinct 1 facility by adjoining offices.
17. Discuss and take action to approve 2019-2020 Plan and premiums for medical, dental, and life insurance through the Texas Association of Counties. 18. Discuss and take action to approve 2020 Renewal Notice and Benefit Confirmation for Retiree UnitedHealthcare Medicare Supplement effective 01/01/20-12/31/20. 19. Discuss and take action to approve copier lease with Xerox at the monthly rate of $184.33 for 48 months. Funds to be paid from line item 125-436-581813 [Copier/Printer].
20. Discuss and take action to approve donation of $100.00 from Marilyn G. Yankee to be deposited in line item 125-537-536600 [Donations/Library]. 21. Discuss and take action to approve the following line item transfers from within the Library's Budget: • $100.00 from 125-537-536600 [Donations/Library] to 125-537-535500 [Book & Mem/Hempstead]. • $850.00 from 125-537-581800 [Furniture & Equipment] to 125-537-568426 [Office Security].
22. Discuss and take action to approve the 2019 Tax Roll.
24. Discuss and take action to approve the following line item transfers from within the Sheriff's Budget: $10,000.00 from 125-505-544920 [Jail - Building Maintenance/Jail], $15,000.00 from 125-505-563800 [Jail -Groceries], and $5,000.00 from 125-505-564300 [Jail - Disinfectant and Soap] for a total of $30,000.00 to the following line items: $4,000.00 to 125-516-545515 [Admin - Equipment Rental/Repairs] $7,500.00 to 125-516-563000 [Admin - Training & Conference Expense] $2,000.00 to 125-516-563350 [Admin - CID] $3,000.00 to 125-516-563900 [Admin - Uniforms] $2,500.00 to 125-516-581800 [Admin - Furniture & Equipment] $1,000.00 to 125-505-530200 [Jail - Supplies & Stationary] $2,000.00 to 125-505-563000 [Jail - Training & Conference Expense] $1,500.00 to 125-505-563900 [Jail - Uniforms] $2,500.00 to 125-505-581800 [Jail - Furniture & Equipment] $4,000.00 to 125-515-545910 [Animal Control - Animal Housing/Care]. 25. Discuss and take action to authorize the Sheriff's Office to submit a grant proposal to the Bureau of Justice Assistance to seek funding from the federal Gulf Coast Regional Law Enforcement Technology Initiative to fund communications systems to enhance information and intelligence sharing with fusion centers and technology to reduce violent crime.
26. Discuss and take action on Burn Ban.
27. Discuss and take action on Senate Bill 944 regarding public information archiving. 28. Discuss and take action to approve creation of accounts with Verizon Wireless and AT & T for wireless telephones. 29. Discuss and take action to approve using SMARSH for archiving services.
30. Discuss and take action to approve official documents and all monthly reports. ADJOURN MEETING