Call to Order
Approval of Agenda.
Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Payroll. 4. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Treasurer's Monthly Report. 5. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $ 3,562.00 for Invoice # AH019492, $2,887.00 for Invoice # AH019491, and $ 2,887.00 for Invoice # AH019533 for a total of $ $9,336.00 to Harris County Treasurer from line item 125-423-540702 [Autopsy]. 6. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable.
7. Discuss and take action to approve Proclamation observing the Juneteenth holiday.
10. Discuss and take action to approve Canon Copier Lease DIR Contract for 2 copiers in the County Clerk's office in the amount of $418.00 per month for 60 months. Funds to be paid from line item 125-403-545510 [Equipment Rent/Lease].
11. Discuss and take action to approve the seeking of a grant-funded "Victims Assistance Specialist" position by the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $79,950 from the Office for Victims of Crime, the Department of Justice, and Office of Justice Programs.
12. Discuss and take action to approve agreement with the Katy Prairie Conservancy for the Waller County Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan. 13. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement between Waller County and Fort Bend Family Health Center, Inc. and payment of $25,000.00 from line item 125-411-542250 [Fort Bend Family Health Center, Inc.] as allocated in the 2019 Budget.
14. Spread upon the minutes the Certification of Funds from the National Rifle Association to the Waller County Sheriff's Office. 15. Discuss and take action to amend the 2019 Budget to accommodate funds from the National Rifle Association to the Waller County Sheriff's Office. ADJOURN MEETING
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda.
Items identified within the consent agenda are of a routine nature, and will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately. If a member of the court or public requests that a particular item be discussed, that agenda item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. 2. Approval of the minutes. 3. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Payroll. 4. Request by County Treasurer for approval of Treasurer's Monthly Report. 5. Request to approve payment on the following: (a) $ 3,562.00 for Invoice # AH019492, $2,887.00 for Invoice # AH019491, and $ 2,887.00 for Invoice # AH019533 for a total of $ $9,336.00 to Harris County Treasurer from line item 125-423-540702 [Autopsy]. 6. Request by County Auditor for approval and/or ratification of Accounts Payable.
7. Discuss and take action to approve Proclamation observing the Juneteenth holiday.
10. Discuss and take action to approve Canon Copier Lease DIR Contract for 2 copiers in the County Clerk's office in the amount of $418.00 per month for 60 months. Funds to be paid from line item 125-403-545510 [Equipment Rent/Lease].
11. Discuss and take action to approve the seeking of a grant-funded "Victims Assistance Specialist" position by the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $79,950 from the Office for Victims of Crime, the Department of Justice, and Office of Justice Programs.
12. Discuss and take action to approve agreement with the Katy Prairie Conservancy for the Waller County Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan. 13. Discuss and take action to approve Agreement between Waller County and Fort Bend Family Health Center, Inc. and payment of $25,000.00 from line item 125-411-542250 [Fort Bend Family Health Center, Inc.] as allocated in the 2019 Budget.
14. Spread upon the minutes the Certification of Funds from the National Rifle Association to the Waller County Sheriff's Office. 15. Discuss and take action to amend the 2019 Budget to accommodate funds from the National Rifle Association to the Waller County Sheriff's Office. ADJOURN MEETING